Trump Facing Allegations of Sexual Assault


Former President Donald Trump is confronted with a civil trial regarding accusations that he sexually assaulted an advice columnist almost thirty years ago. The jury selection process is set to commence on Tuesday in a federal court located in New York.

Trump has refuted E Jean Carroll's assertion that he assaulted her at a department store in Manhattan, claiming that she fabricated the story for attention. Despite being a civil case rather than a criminal one, the potential consequences for Trump are substantial.

A victory for Carroll would mark the first instance of Trump being held legally accountable for sexual assault, following over two dozen similar allegations. The former president is also dealing with numerous other legal issues, including over two dozen felony charges related to hush money payments to an adult film actress and an investigation into his alleged involvement in the US Capitol riot on January 6, 2021. Trump is simultaneously pursuing a bid for the White House in the upcoming election.

The Allegations

Carroll, aged 79, asserts that the assault occurred in a Bergdorf Goodman store in Manhattan in late 1995 or early 1996. According to her account, they encountered each other while shopping, and Trump asked for her advice on purchasing lingerie for another woman, jokingly suggesting she model it for him. However, once inside the changing rooms, Carroll claims Trump attacked her, pinned her against a wall, and assaulted her. She alleges that she was able to fend him off after a significant struggle.

Carroll did not file a police report at the time, as she was in shock and did not want to identify as a rape victim. Two of her friends, Carol Martin and Lisa Birnbach, have corroborated her account, stating she informed them about the incident shortly after it occurred. Both Martin and Birnbach are potential witnesses for Carroll.

Trump's Response

Since Carroll went public with her allegations in 2019, Trump has issued multiple denials. He has labeled her claims a "complete con job" on his social media platform, Truth Social, asserting that the alleged rape "never happened." During an October deposition for the case, Trump maintained his denial and claimed Carroll was "not my type."

It remains uncertain whether Trump will appear during the trial, which is expected to last up to two weeks. His attendance is not mandatory, and Carroll's attorneys do not plan to call him as a witness.

Carroll's legal team intends to play a recording, known as the Access Hollywood tape, in which Trump is heard making crude remarks about women. They also plan to have other women who allege they were assaulted by Trump testify at the trial.

Why is this a Civil Case?

The criminal statute of limitations for this case has long expired. Generally, the statute of limitations for filing civil lawsuits over sexual assault in New York is three years, which has also passed.

However, in 2022, New York implemented the Adult Survivors Act, allowing a one-year window for victims to file sexual assault lawsuits that would have otherwise exceeded statute limitations. Carroll filed her lawsuit against Trump shortly after the law came into effect.

Before this case, Carroll sued Trump for defamation after he called her a liar following the release of her memoir. This lawsuit is currently on hold as courts determine whether there is a legal right to sue former presidents.

Reid Hoffman, LinkedIn co-founder and Democratic donor, has helped finance Carroll's legal expenses, as revealed in court documents. Trump's legal team attempted to delay the trial after learning of Hoffman's involvement, arguing it raised questions about Carroll's motives. The judge dismissed this motion but permitted lawyers to question Carroll about the financial support.

In a statement, Hoffman defended his backing of Carroll, emphasizing that he "never took any steps to hide the financial support" he provided for the lawsuit once it commenced. He further stated, "Our courts are a mechanism of justice for all citizens, not just those with enough money and power to rig the game in their favor."

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