Ex AG Bill Barr Warns of Potential Disaster if Trump Re-election


In a recent event at the City Club of Cleveland in Ohio, former Attorney General Bill Barr voiced his apprehension about the prospect of a potential re-election of former President Donald Trump. Barr, who served as attorney general under both Trump and former President George H. W. Bush, commented on Trump's inability to effectively execute his policies and the potential consequences of his re-election.

Barr emphasized that, in his opinion, Trump lacks the necessary discipline and strategic thinking skills required for efficient governance. He argued that while some voters may support Trump's policies, they should be aware that the former president is not equipped to implement them successfully. This, Barr warned, could result in chaos and even cause a backlash that sets his policies further back than they would be otherwise.

The former attorney general's remarks come as recent polling from Fox News indicates that Trump is currently the favored candidate for the Republican nomination in 2024, even ahead of popular Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who has not yet declared his candidacy but is believed to be considering it.

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